Zoe, our director, decided to get us lots of pancakes today to celebrate Pancake Day! We all sat in the common room and ate pancakes with chocolate spread, lemon and sugar, lemon sauce and golden syrup - not all mixed together - although some interesting concoctions were made and we learnt that chocolate spread and golden syrup is actually quite nice, but incredibly sweet.
I know that most of the students enjoyed their pancakes, but it was funny to see the look of horror on some of the female student's faces as they walked in to the common room and were faced with all those fatty foods. I explained that today, being Pancake Day, they could eat whatever they wanted as tomorrow, Lent starts. Traditionally, Pancake Day is when everyone eats all their nice food and uses it all up before Lent. Lent is the forty days before Easter when people give something up, maybe eating fatty food, smoking cigarettes, or something that is a sacrifice for them and donate the money they save to charity. Nowadays, only strict Christians give something up for Lent, but we use Pancake Day as an excuse to eat lots of pancakes, because they are fun to make and delicious to eat. Here is a recipe:
110g/4oz plain flour, sifted
a pinch of salt
2 eggs
275ml/10fl oz milk
50g/2oz butter
Using a sieve, sift the flour and salt into a bowl. In a separate bowl, mix the eggs and milk with a fork. Gradually add the eggs and milk mixture to the flour, mixing well until it makes a smooth pancake batter. Melt the butter in a frying pan then pour enough pancake batter in to cover the bottom of the pan. Cook until the bottom has started to brown, then flip the pancake (or use a spatula to turn it over) and cook the other side. Serve with your favourite topping.
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