
Friday, 22 February 2013

A typical Sunday in the UK

We spent a sunny Sunday in Kelham Island last week. We met at the Cathedral tram stop and took the tram to Shalesmoor, which is near Kelham Island. We walked to the Kelham Island Museum through the old streets and past all the old industrial buildings, and I told the students some of the history of Sheffield. We reached the museum and stopped to look at the River Don, and I told the students about how rivers were very important in the history of industry in Sheffield. Rivers provided water for the mills and steam engines and boats could transport coal to the factories to power the machines, and then take the goods that were made away to be sold. We spent some time looking at the huge Bessemer converter outside the museum. The students were impressed with how big it was. Then, we went inside the museum and saw lots of exciting things. 
We saw the heaviest bomb in the world, the Grand Slam Bomb, weighing 10 tonnes. We also saw a machine powered by gas, the Crossley Gas Engine. We were very excited when it was announced that they would be running the River Don Engine, a very powerful steam engine that was used to roll steel plates and we hurried to the engine room. The engine was very noisy and we saw steam coming out of the valves. After we had seen the steam engine, we went around the rest of the museum. There was a reconstruction of a Victorian street that had traditional craft shops and we learned about how hard life was in the Victorian era. We also saw some very old cars and a jet engine from a plane.
After we had seen everything there was to see at the museum, we went for lunch in the museum cafe. As it was Sunday, a lot of us had a traditional British Sunday lunch of roast chicken, roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, roast parsnips and carrots. Then, some of us went to the pub. Kelham Island is famous for microbreweries (places that brew a small amount of beer) so we went to the Fat Cat, a very good pub next to the museum, to try some of the local beer. We had a great time and hope to do it again soon!

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