I also got a bit adventurous with one lesson I taught the Copper class and decided to try task-based learning. This is our director-of-studies' favourite method of teaching, and I've always been intrigued by it so thought that this was the perfect opportunity to give it a go. It also meant that I would definitely get to do the fun bit of the lesson as it is at the beginning, not the end! I actually chickened out slightly and tried a watered-down version with some pre-arranged grammar shoehorned into the middle. This wasn't entirely successful as, despite copious scaffolding using the target language, the students weren't able to produce it themselves. I think I was being a bit ambitious with my pre-intermediate group. They seemed to enjoy the task though. I asked them about their favourite holidays, then lead into an activity to plan their dream holiday. I split them into groups, gave them a budget of £1000 and various pieces of paper with different accommodation, catering, transport and activity options, all priced with costs that would mean it would be difficult to have everything they wanted, to encourage discussion. I asked them to say why they chose the options over others, attempting to get them to use "I prefer" and "I'd rather."